In-progress / Current

Memoir | writing and photography that grapples with my daughter’s full-term stillbirth

TEMPER Press | a publishing project co-founded with Jourdain Barton and Geoffrey Billetter that was dubbed “a new home for experimental literature” by Chicago Reader

Bookmaking | design, typesetting, and binding


Family Resemblance | a member of the queer literary reading group organized by Nakiyah T.M. Jordan

Exhibit B | a member of the Chicago literary variety show series

Screenplay | a campy collaboration with director Paloma López Arismendi

MailBiz | an interactive installation project with artists Liz Flood and Ella Valenstein

A Thousand Words Worth | featured in four episodes of a podcast in which poets describe famous paintings extemporaneously (Young Gods Productions, 2023)

Slight | an artist book comprising six compressed fictions indebted to the curiosities and cruelties of girlhood (2023)

Radio show | a weekly surrealist, sound-language series with sound artist Liz Flood at Free Radio SAIC (2023)

E(M/X)BODY Group Exhibition | co-curated and produced with Judy Lea Steele at The Blue Parrot; eleven presentations of poetry, performance, and audiovisual art on power dynamics around and within the body (November 2022)

Discovering and Making a Claim” | a writing and pedagogy resource designed for student-artists; created with Leila Wilson for the SAIC Writing Center (2022)

COVID-19 Emergency Loan Program | community-sourced, zero-interest revolving fund to address immediate need and protect neighbors from predatory lenders; 10K raised and distributed (2020)

Civic initiatives | polar vortex warming shelter for unhoused folks; 6-week artist residency/group show; recurring reading series, support groups, art workshops, open mics, and organizing assemblies (2017-2020 at Flood's Hall)

Food intimacy archive | poems printed on sale labels affixed to items in grocery stores across Chicago (2016)